From the beginning of modern civilizations, communities have been built around married couples and families. Today the demographics of society has shifted because more people are choosing to postpone marriage or remain single than ever before. In the United States, nearly 50% of adults are single.
Even with this dramatic change, the infrastructure of communities has not kept pace. So singles must look out for themselves.
Here are 10 things singles deserve.
- Choice to remain as an unattached single without judgment, retribution, or bias by any person, group, or organization (especially religious).
- Respectful, non-judgmental, and polite treatment in all social, family, and employment situations.
- Condos and apartments that are designed for singles.
- Stand-alone houses that are designed for singles.
- Fair amount on taxes.
- Fair price on health, car, and home insurance.
- Fair price on single occupancy hotel rooms, cruise ship cabins, and travel packages.
- Singles clubs, groups, and organizations that have a broader purpose than just matchmaking and dating.
- Single friends who share their values, interests, and respectfulness.
- Compatible romantic relationships that are joyful, fulfilling, and productive.
For more on this topic, read this article: Singles Discrimination.
Singles deserve all of the things married couples and families do. If you are single, carve out your place, be confident, and stand firm.