Here are the three keys to getting what you want romantically, socially, and financially.
Get Fit
When you get fit, everything is better. Your brain and body work better. You are more confident. And you’re more attractive to potential lovers, business partners, and employers.
When you ignore information about the damaging effects of a poor diet and lack of exercise and you eat and do whatever you want your body and spirit pay the price. There is no strong energy vibe coming from you. There is no spring in your walk. And there is no sparkle in your eyes. This is true of a person at any age.
If there is one thing that you have total control over right now it is your ability to get fit. You also have the power of choice. You can choose to make excuses or you can choose to force yourself to do what’s needed to get fit.
I understand there are maybe physical circumstances (e.g. disabilities or disease) that may be outside your control, but there are always things you can do toward getting fit.
Soon no force will be required. You’ll be motivated by the “feel good” feelings you get after you’ve completed a fitness task and eventually by the results you see in the mirror.
I wasn’t always the fitness enthusiast I am today. In my late teens, 20’s, and early 30’s, I relied purely on my youthful appearance. I wasn’t fat and I often did hard physical work, so my body looked okay. But had I started hitting the gym at that age I would have attracted higher-quality women.
I started getting serious about fitness at about forty. Now that I am in the second half of my life, staying fit has helped tremendously in many areas including attracting women. 😉
Take a Stand
Taking a stand means staying true to your principles, your personality, and your goals. It means being yourself completely!
There are no compromises when you take a stand in life. This includes not molding yourself into what you sense a romantic partner, parent, boss, or corporation wants you to be. Unless of course, they are offering sound advice that aligns with your principles.
When you take a stand, those around you know you mean business. You let most people know where you stand by example or with just a look. For those who are more insistent, you let them know your boundaries verbally with tactful firmness.
A person who has established a strong stand is charismatic, attractive, and sexy. Think back through your life to those with these qualities to see if this is not true.
Relatively early in my corporate career, my boss made a statement to me about taking a stand that confused me for years. We were having a drink in a restaurant and bar on the top floor of the Mark Hopkins hotel in San Francisco called the Top of the Mark.
I was excited to be staying and having a drink in such a famous place. Although my boss was a courageous, principled, and talented man, he tended to say more than he should when he’d have too much to drink.
A few days earlier, I learned that I had won the district manager of the year award for the third time in a row. My boss said, “Winning that award is good, but it doesn’t mean a lot since it’s only based on numbers. You need to go to the next level. To do that you need to take a stand!”
I found his comments to be inappropriate because he was saying them in front of his boss and he was diminishing the value of an award whose criteria for achieving it was under his responsibility. The part about taking a stand was clearly a topic that should have been discussed privately.
It took me years to understand what he meant about taking a stand. Although I felt that particular topic should have been discussed privately, his suggestion was valuable. His method was poor.
Develop Courage
Nothing good happens without courage. Both the keys listed above require it.
It’s important to understand what courage is. Courage is going forward even though you are scared to death. Then you get the courage.
Everything that you want in your life at this moment requires courage to get it. The test of courage is ongoing. Each step toward a goal requires courage.
Being courageous is the ultimate high. Being cowardly is the ultimate downer.
When you push yourself toward and through what you fear the rewards on the other side are euphoria, confidence, and courage. The amount you get of each of these things is dependent on how big the challenge is for you. The more you face a particular challenge, the bigger and stronger your courage will become in that area.
It does not matter how scared you are or how scared you look. It does not matter how awkward your execution is. And it does not matter if you fail. All that matters is going forward and doing it even though you are afraid.
When I told a woman whom I had worked with for years that I was in love with her, I was scared out of my mind. And my delivery was unsteady and dorky. But as soon as I was done I felt a rush of euphoria, relief, and power! It might sound funny, but my greatest concern was not her response. My greatest concern was getting myself to go through with it and make my love known to her.
To my delight, my wildest dreams of how things would turn out that evening came true. And I don’t mean sex, although that came later in a magnificent way.
Curly in the movie, “City Slickers” had it wrong. There is not just one thing that will get you all the things you want. There are three! 🙂