Since the women’s liberation movement (WLM) in the late 1960s, in some cases, we have seen the feminization of men and masculinization of women to varying degrees. In this way, the women’s liberation movement has been both constructive and destructive.
Equality between women and men is correct and valuable. Women should have socio-economic equality and freedom. It benefits women, men, and society. The problem arises when a woman attempts to approach new endeavors and responsibilities made available by the WLM in a masculine way. The problem is made worse when she cries foul when the men around her respond to her manly approach in a masculine way.
Women have a tendency to make men wrong. It’s one of their bad tendencies. Men, of course, have some too like being a jerk or an a-hole. Both men and women need to guard themselves against this kind of behavior. It does not represent or serve them well.
The perspective I’m presenting should not be confused with, for example, women being assertive. Men sometimes wrongly interpreted this type of behavior by women as being manly. It is not. Assertiveness is not reserved for one sex. However, men have historically exercised it more often. I presume this is driven by testosterone and the innate need to provide and protect.
Men have gotten tremendous pressure from many sources to submit to understanding, communicating, and behaving in ways that liberated women demand in order to get sex, cooperation, and admiration. If in adjusting to these demands a man gives up or loses any part of his masculinity he is being feminized.
The women’s liberation movement was revolutionary. It probably required exaggerated strategies and behaviors to achieve its goals. However, some of it that dictates that men chip away at and reduce their masculinity is wrong. For example, liberationists may say that men need to be more sensitive, feeling, and talkative. In other words, more female-like. While at the same time liberationists expect men to be strong, manly, and reserved.
Here are sources of feminizing pressure.
- Leaders and advocates of women’s liberation.
- Mothers, aunts, and other “liberated” family members who push the precepts of women’s liberation on boys and men.
- Books promoting the precepts of women’s liberation.
- Companies, organizations, and institutions who revise their policy manuals to include the precepts of women’s liberation.
- Political correctness, which grew out of this era.
It is true that evolved men and women can communicate better as a result of the WLM. This is one of the benefits. Both men and women have made an effort to meet in the middle in the areas of communication, roles, and responsibilities. But the intricacies of male-female communication, roles, and responsibilities will never, and should never, be expected to be the same. The same means no femininity or masculinity. Just sameness.
Women and men love and benefit from each other’s differences. But we will never be able to get the full extent of what we require by talking and interacting only with each other. Women need what only other women can understand and provide. The same goes for men. We can attempt to understand and move closer to each other, but we will never have completeness. Unless we become unisex. Then neither sex will be attracted to the other in the same way again.
When couples rely 100% on their partner for understanding their life challenges and their requirements for support in these areas, there will be problems. The understanding of the other sex can only go so deep and far. Perhaps this is where gays and lesbians have an advantage over straights.
Women’s strength is in being a woman. A strong woman. But strong does not mean she has to become masculine to attain this. That does not work. That is not her strength, her genetics, or her heritage.
Men’s strength is in being a man. A strong man with integrity. But integrity doesn’t mean he has to become feminine to accomplish this. That does not work. That is not his strength, his genetics, or his heritage.
I find evolved, independent, and strong women much more attractive than unchanged, dependent, and weak women. From what I hear from women, they are more attracted to evolved men who have maintained their masculinity.