Both love sex and lust sex are exciting and pleasurable, but love sex is far superior in many ways. To enjoy all the rewards of love sex, a couple must become friends and have fallen in love “before” their first sexual encounter.
Love: noun – 1. an intense feeling of deep affection.
Lust: noun – 1. intense sexual desire or appetite.
Coitus: noun (formal) – 1. sexual intercourse. Source:
In this context…
Lust sex is when you have coitus with a person you’re strongly attracted to but not in love with. Lust sex has its place and can fulfill needs beyond just the physical. But it cannot fulfill you as completely. And the level of excitement will not endure as long as love sex does.
Lust sex can satisfy your physical needs to a point. It can also boost your self-esteem in positive situations. In comparison, love sex can completely satisfy your physical needs beyond what can be achieved with lust sex. And it can completely fulfill your emotional needs and raise your self-confidence to a whole new level.
Love sex is when you have coitus with a person who you are powerfully attracted to and completely in love with. I have found that the best, and perhaps the only way, to attain this level of love, attraction, and sex is by becoming friends first! In other words, you do not have sex first; you get to know each other first. I know that sounds old-fashion and time-consuming, but the payoff is worth it.
I discovered this incredible phenomenon by accident. After years of dating many women and having sex rather quickly, I found myself in a situation where neither dating nor sex was a clear possibility with a woman I was extremely attracted to and in love with.
We worked together at the same company and she had a long-term boyfriend. Since we worked in a formal business environment, I was forced to move slowly and cautiously. I know that “workplace romance” is a common occurrence and I’ve come to understand why. The circumstances dictate that both parties get to know and trust each other before sex because the repercussions can be severe. One or both can be fired. A bitter partner can take revenge to damage the other’s career. If neither of those things happens, you’ll still have to see and deal with them every day.
If two smart people who do not work together could see the value of the “workplace romance” relationship-building model, they could use it to their advantage. In doing so, they could experience an uncommon friendship, love, and eventually, amazing sex! Here’s how you might go about it.
Do not make it an issue of waiting or being deprived. Instead, focus on getting to know and having fun with the person you are in love with and strongly attracted to while keeping the rewards at the end in mind. Direct your energies and sexual drive toward building your relationship and enjoying that special time together. By following this plan, your friendship, love, and sexual desires will build to an incredible level while you are doing these activities. Do you see where this is going?
If you sense that they do not feel the same way about you as you do about them, do not waste your time. This strategy will not likely bring about love or attraction if some measure of interest does not exist at the beginning.
I have found that the difference between lust sex and love sex is so vast that I come to crave love sex over lust sex. Don’t get me wrong. Lust sex is fun, but love sex is magnificent!