One of the best choices for romantic getaways for relationship renewal is to attend a couples’ retreat. A couples’ retreat can be a tremendous learning and growing experience for you as a couple and as individuals. It can help to increase your knowledge about each other, resolve longstanding conflicts, and create more intimacy in your relationship. They can also provide you with the opportunity to meet other couples. And they can be just plain fun!
I’ve attended several couples’ retreats and workshops. I also produced one for my non-profit singles organization and was a guest speaker at another. I found them to be very enlightening and enjoyable. I was particularly surprised by what I learned about myself.
There are many different types of couples retreats. Many of them specialize in relationship renewal while others have a health or spiritual emphasis. The duration of the retreat can range from one (1) day to a week or more.
Many different types of organizations offer couples’ retreats. Some of them are led by psychologists or clergy. Others are led by individuals or couples who through their passion for this area have become experts.
The costs vary widely depending on the popularity of the leader, the location, and the length.
If you prefer a private relationship renewal activity, read this article entitled, “Couples Communication Without Confrontation.” Suggestions on how to use this unique communication method to create your own retreat-like activity are discussed at the end of the article. Ideas on how to integrate it into a vacation or weekend getaway are also covered. The non-confrontational written communication technique discussed in this article guides you through a process that allows you to express concerns, discuss problems, & reveal desires. This activity can transform a relationship.
If you want to make the most of the private relationship renewal process and have nearly all the preliminary work done for you, get my book entitled, “The Couple’s Review.” This book can be used to create your own private retreat-like relationship renewal activity at home or during a weekend getaway or vacation.
The immediate benefit of a romantic getaway for relationship renewal is the spark of passion that it can create. When I attended a couples’ retreat during a relationship that had become stale, I was astounded by the intensity of our passion afterward. I found that the elation of resolving a number of longstanding problems instantly renewed our passion.
To your relationship renewal and romance.
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