You may have run into a single jerk or single bitch. Or you may be going through a stage where you are one yourself to some degree. The male version is an egotistical and arrogant jerk! The female version is a selfish and manipulative bitch!
These individuals are usually fairly attractive, but ugly inside. Their knowledge, objectivity, and empathy are well below average. And their positive traits and contributions are overshadowed by their despicable behavior with those who they are romantically involved with.
I understand the male jerk type pretty well. I’ve been one myself to a limited degree on a few occasions. Although I’ve been involved with the bitch type a couple of times, I’m not of course privy to the female perspective on this.
I offer this diagram of these types of people so you can easily recognize them before you get hurt or become one yourself. This information can also help you determine whether you’ve fallen into this behavior pattern and rise above it if you have.
I’ll present a description of the male single jerk first followed by the female single bitch. I’m being polite in the words I’ve chosen to name these characters. I’m sure you can easily guess the words I would like to use, but I want to keep my articles PG-rated. 🙂 Well, I’ll tell you this much. For the jerk, I’d add the “A” word. For the bitch, I’d add the “C” word.
Here’s a characterization of the male single jerk!
- He is consumed by his appearance and takes every opportunity to look at himself in any mirror he comes across.
- He must dress in clothes and accessories that represent the “current look.”
- He will spend beyond his means to get the clothes, car, and toys that he believes will make him look good.
- When he meets or dates women, his favorite topic of conversation is himself.
- He will pretend to be very interested in women and then turn cold once he gets what he wants.
- He will use women who are infatuated with him to serve his selfish needs.
- He will overpower or severely reject any woman who questions his behavior.
Here’s a characterization of the female single bitch.
- If she has the choice between looking at herself in the mirror or looking at the person she is talking with she will choose the mirror.
- She is addicted to fashion trends, designer products, and top-end stores.
- She will accumulate huge credit card debt to get what she wants without concern believing she is entitled to have what she wants.
- When she meets or dates men, she does not mind sharing the conversation just so the attention is mostly on her.
- When she dates men, and especially when she is in a relationship with them, she often controls conversations and the topic is usually about what she wants him to do for her.
- She will take advantage of men who have a crush on her by manipulating them to buy her things, take her places, and do elaborate tasks for her.
- She will try to make men who challenge her behavior believe that he is the one with the problem and not her.
Do not waste your time with a man or a woman who exhibits this kind of behavior. It’s not worth it regardless of any special benefit the relationship might offer. Do not think you can change them either as their behavior will probably only get worse.
If you think you have developed these bad habits, face them head-on and begin the process of creating a new standard of behavior. If you’re behaving this way in your current relationship, it may be necessary to separate temporarily or even permanently to break these negative behavior patterns.
The easiest way to recognize these types of people and not become like them is to establish a set of principles, values, and standards of behavior. You can do this by simply putting them in writing. Then store them in a place, like a mobile device, where you can review them periodically and when needed for guidance.