Have you ever tried to imitate the look or behavior of a person you greatly admired? Have you ever felt you would be more successful in making friends or getting dates if your personality or body were like someone else? Have you ever made changes to your appearance or character in trying to be like one of your heroes? I would imagine that everyone has done this at some point in their life.
It’s okay to have role models and heroes. But any attempt to mold yourself into being someone else will only result in producing a cheap copy. Unfortunately, cheap copies are easy to spot and they are unattractive.
It is “impossible” to become someone else. Your basic structure and design are set. Sure, you can change your body by losing weight, modify your look by wearing your hair differently, and strengthen your personality by becoming a skilled public speaker. But the basic framework and psychology on which each of these things is built are the same!
Your power, your mystery, and your attractiveness are found in being yourself. You can enhance each of these through personal development. The more you become the best of who you are the greater your power, mystery (uniqueness = aphrodisiac), and attractiveness.
If you think about it, is it not the people you admire most who are unique (being themselves), have high self-esteem, and never try to look or act like someone else? In considering my heroes throughout my life, all of them fit this description.
If you feel you need some help, guidance, or inspiration in this area, I have the perfect book for you. The book is Dare to Be Yourself – How to Quit Being an Extra in Other Peoples Movies and Become the Star of Your Own by Alan Cohen.
Drop the acting and become the star in your own life story by nurturing your unique (bad) self! 🙂