There’s a great old classic with the same name as the title of this article. If you’re in pain over a breakup right now, you might relate to it on a deep level. Here’s that song.
There is no greater emotional pain than when you break up with someone you love or once loved. It’s amazing how painful it can be. It’s also amazing how quickly you can forget that pain once you’re in love again. But you can’t find a healthy love again until you’ve completely healed from the last one.
There are two outcomes for a broken heart. Notice I say outcomes. I say it this way because you might fall into a pit of despair, self-loathing, and lethargy for a while before you climb out, rise up, and benefit from the experience. Yes, benefit! More on that later.
The two outcomes are (1) personal growth and advancement (2) or personal stagnation and decline. I’m not aware of anything in between. And even if there is, it’s not worth discussing. My goal is to get you excited about number 1.
Because of the intense emotional turmoil that a breakup brings, personal change will happen. It’s up to you whether it’s positive, negative, or zero. Zero means that you don’t learn and grow from the experience, but rather you just keep handling yourself and your relationships just as you always have.
You can use the energy created by the pain to make positive changes in your life, you can use it for unproductive activities, or you can just let it burn out. Anything but the first choice would be foolish.
There are few times in a person’s life when as much emotional energy is created for such an extended period than a breakup. To waste this energy would be to throw away an opportunity for immense learning and personal growth.
Here’s the deal. If you just broke up with someone, you’re probably in great pain, your mind is mush, your judgment is poor, and your motivation to end the pain is great! Your best choice right now is to move toward the light! What I mean by that is to do all the things that will bring you understanding, growth, and strength. How do you do that? Here’s how.
You read books about healing from a breakup, relationship skills, and personal development techniques. You begin transforming your lifestyle to become a person who is trim, fit, and strong through healthy eating and daily exercise. In other words, you do all the things that you know you should and want to do to look and feel your best!
Forget the diets and other quick-fix programs. Go for a massive across-the-board and permanent lifestyle change. Become the perfect partner, and you will attract the same.